UNICEF to Celebrate World Children’s Day with #KidsTakeOver
High-profile children, UNICEF Executive Director, and other special guests will speak up for children’s rights at November 20 event.
This is supposed to be a day for children all over the world to help save children’s lives, fight for their rights, and help them fulfill their potential.
It’s going to be a fun day, with a serious message, when kids ‘take over’ high-visibility roles in media, politics, business, sport, and entertainment to shine a light on the most pressing challenges faced by their generation.
World Children’s Day event (#KidsTakeOver) will be celebrated at the United Nations Headquarters on Monday, 20 November 2017.
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UNICEF will bring together high-profile supporters, influencers and special guests alongside children who represent some of the world’s most vulnerable to speak out to the international community on issues that matter to them the most.
Despite tremendous progress over the past decades, according to the latest data: 385 million children live in extreme poverty; 264 million children and youth are out of school; 5.6 million children under the age of five died last year from preventable causes.
On November 20 – the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child – children around the world will raise their voices in solidarity with the world’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable children.