UN Alliance Invites Applications for Youth Solidarity Fund

Youth Solidarity Fund
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is inviting youth-led organizations to apply for the Youth Solidarity Fund (YSF).
The Call is open to organizations from select countries whose work seeks to foster peaceful and inclusive societies through improved understanding and collaboration across cultures, faiths and beliefs.
Through a competitive evaluation process, YSF will award grants (up to USD 25,000) to selected projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to intercultural or interfaith dialogue and advance the mission of UNAOC. YSF only supports projects that are entirely developed and managed by youth for the benefit of youth.
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Established in 2008, the Fund responded to calls for action made by young civil society leaders around the world on the importance of establishing funding mechanisms for youth-led organizations. Since its creation, YSF has funded 50 youth-led organizations in 30 countries.
Today, the Fund continues to support youth-led civil society organizations, with a particular focus on the role of young people in promoting peace and in preventing violent extremism.
Details on the program, application guidelines, eligibility and selection criteria are available here.