Tykester Launches App to Help Busy Parents
Tykester, a new app designed to help busy moms and dads track their child’s day while they are in the care of a childcare provider, is now available in the App Store and Google Play Store.
Tykester, created by parents for parents, enables moms and dads to see real-time updates on their child’s day, including information on meals, snacks, naptimes, mood changes and more.
Tykester also provides parents a recap of daily events as well as allows for easy photo sharing.
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Its “connect code” technology privately connects parents to their childcare provider, whether that’s a daycare, spouse, nanny, babysitter, or grandparent.
Tykester’s features include push notifications, one-touch calling, and a customizable database of food that is unique to each user.
“I helped create Tykester because, as a new mom, I found it almost unbearable to be away from my child for an eight-hour work day,” said Tykester co-founder Megan Friedman.