India to Set Up Tinkering Labs in Over 2000 Schools

India to Set Up Tinkering Labs in Over 2000 Schools

India's Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has launched the Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA). It is a convergent framework across School Education and Higher Education to encourage children towards learning Science and Mathematics. Some of the interventions under RAA for promotion of science are strengthening of school Science and Mathematics…
Toyota Helps Students with STEM-Related Scholarships

Toyota Helps Students with STEM-Related Scholarships

For 17-year-old David Thang, growing up an illiterate boy in a small town in Myanmar could have thwarted his dream of becoming a doctor. He had thought escaping a country ruled by the Burmese military – often accused of ruthless and inhumane military tactics – was the hardest obstacle he'd…
New Committee to Prepare Final Draft of India’s National Education Policy

New Committee to Prepare Final Draft of India’s National Education Policy

The committee for preparation of final draft of National Education Policy has been constituted under the Chairmanship of eminent Scientist Padma Vibhushan Dr K. Kasturirangan. The other members of the committee are: Dr. Vasudha Kamat a prominent academician from the field of education technology who has contributed extensively towards school…
Schools Reopen in East Mosul as Violence Subsides

Schools Reopen in East Mosul as Violence Subsides

Schools Reopen in East Mosul as Violence Subsides As fighting subsides in East Mosul, 30 schools reopened last Sunday with help from UNICEF, allowing over 16,000 children to resume their education. Some schools in the area were closed for up to two years, and girls were banned from getting an…
UNICEF Launches ‘Early Moments Matter’ Campaign

UNICEF Launches ‘Early Moments Matter’ Campaign

UNICEF today launched #EarlyMomentsMatter, a new campaign supported by the LEGO Foundation. The campaign will drive awareness about the importance of the first 1,000 days of a child’s life and the impact of early experiences on the developing brain. During this critical window of opportunity, brain cells can make up…
IBM Equips Youth with Tech Career Skills in P-TECH Schools

IBM Equips Youth with Tech Career Skills in P-TECH Schools

IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced Thursday that P-TECH, an IBM-inspired six-year education model, has already graduated more than 50 students, including a new class of 16 graduates in January. All of these graduates completed the six-year curriculum ahead of schedule, earning both their high school and two-year college tech degrees, with…
Ford Encourages Students to Explore STEAM Fields

Ford Encourages Students to Explore STEAM Fields

Ford Motor Company is collaborating with four Girl Scouts Councils – Tropical Florida, Southeastern Michigan, Northeast Texas and Northern New Jersey – on a program that offers avenues for elementary school students to explore STEAM-related fields in science, technology, engineering, arts and math. Girls’ Fast Track Races is providing hands-on…