Winter Break Advanced in Delhi Schools Due to Pollution

Winter Break Advanced in Delhi Schools Due to Pollution

Winter Break Advanced in Delhi Schools Due to Pollution With increasing pollution, the people of Delhi - including children - are inhaling poison from the air. While pollution - as usual - is increasing in New Delhi, the local government has decided to advance the winter break in schools so…
World Food Day Poster Contest Launched for Youth

World Food Day Poster Contest Launched for Youth

World Food Day Poster Contest Launched for Youth Poster entries may be drawn, painted or sketched using pens, pencils, crayons or charcoal, or using oil, acrylic or watercolour paint, as well as mixed media. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched the World Food Day…
Psychologists from UNESCO to Support Schools in Ukraine

Psychologists from UNESCO to Support Schools in Ukraine

Psychologists from UNESCO to Support Schools in Ukraine This initiative complements UNESCO's existing support for teachers, including the distribution of more than 50,000 Google Chromebooks and their training in digital pedagogies.  UNESCO and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine have launched the training of 15.000 school psychologists to…
Devastating Impact of War in Ukraine on Children’s Education

Devastating Impact of War in Ukraine on Children’s Education

Devastating Impact of War in Ukraine on Children’s Education UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom travelled to Ukraine to meet children and families affected by the war. During his 3-day visit to Kyiv, Irpin and Demydiv, Bloom witnessed how the war in Ukraine continues to have a devastating impact on children’s…
UNEP Tech Tool to Help Teachers Teach Environment Science to Students

UNEP Tech Tool to Help Teachers Teach Environment Science to Students

UNEP Tech Tool to Help Teachers Teach Environment Science to Students Teachers can mix and match the lesson contents as they see fit and appropriate for their classes.  The UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Ozone Secretariat launched on January 24 a simulator game and avatar using the latest software technology. Apollo’s…
Online Discussion on the Present Status of Education

Online Discussion on the Present Status of Education

Online Discussion on the Present Status of Education Need for School Education Reforms All parents, students, teachers, and others are requested to support this school education reform campaign. By Rakesh Raman As a journalist and social activist, I have been running various campaigns to spread education awareness among different stakeholders.…
Pollution Forces Delhi Government to Shut Primary Schools

Pollution Forces Delhi Government to Shut Primary Schools

Simply put, the people of Delhi are inhaling atmospheric poison from the air. Since the Delhi Government is extremely careless, the air quality will worsen in the coming days, weeks, and months. By RMN News Service While pollution levels continue to be hazardous in India’s capital New Delhi, the Delhi Government has…