UNICEF Needs Funds for Children Affected by COVID-19 Pandemic
UNICEF is appealing for US$1.6 billion to support its humanitarian response for children impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, up from $651.6 million requested in a similar appeal late March. According to…Read more →
Young Learner News Magazine for School Education
Launched by the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation, the Young Learner news magazine covers school education and related issues. It helps students, parents, teachers, and policymakers understand the finer nuances of evolving education paradigm so…Read more →
New Hands-on STEAM Learning Solution for Children
LEGO Education has launched its newest educational solution, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime. It brings together LEGO bricks, a programmable, multi-port Hub, sensors and motors all powered by the SPIKE App…Read more →
National School Games Take Place in New Delhi
India’s Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal inaugurated lawn tennis event (Under 19, Boys & Girls) of 65th National School Games organized by School Games Federation of India (SGFI)…Read more →
School Student Suggest PM Modi How to Clean India
Imrana says that government is spending thousands of crores of rupees on Clean India project. But it could not clean India. She has written the following open letter to Prime…Read more →
How to Define Literacy in the Digital Age
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) definition of literacy in a Digital Age makes it clear that the continued evolution of curriculum, assessment, and teaching practice itself is…Read more →
New Video Series Launched to Combat Child Sexual Abuse
The Barbara Sinatra Children's Center Foundation in conjunction with Wonder Media has announced the launch of the "Stop the Secrets that Hurt" educational animated video series. The launch of this…Read more →