New Global Alliance Formed for Early Childhood Development

Since 2006, the Indonesian Government has worked with the World Bank to implement the Early Childhood Education and Development Program, to help prepare children to enter school. Photo: World Bank / Erly Tatontos
World Bank Group president Jim Yong Kim and UNICEF executive director Anthony Lake have jointly urged global and national leaders to step up and accelerate action and investments in nutrition and early childhood development (ECD) programmes as a critical foundation for equitable development and economic growth.
The two organizations announced the establishment of a new alliance that aims to make ECD a global policy, programming and public spending priority, to give all young children access to quality services that improve their health, nutrition, learning ability and emotional well-being.
Advances in neuroscience and recent economic studies show that early childhood experiences have a profound impact on brain development and on subsequent learning, health, and adult earnings.
Children who are poorly nourished and nurtured, or those who do not receive early stimulation, are likely to learn less in school and earn less as adults.
Globally, millions of children under the age of five are at risk of never reaching their full developmental potential.
One out of four children under five (159 million) are stunted due to poor nutrition, with numbers significantly higher in parts of Africa and South Asia. Nearly half of all 3 to 6 year olds don’t have access to pre-primary education. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 80 percent are not enrolled in pre-primary programmes.
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Emerging scientific evidence also shows that prolonged exposure to adversity – such as that experienced by children growing up in countries affected by conflict or households affected by domestic violence – can cause toxic stress, a condition that can also inhibit peak brain development in early childhood.
Through the new alliance, the World Bank Group and UNICEF are inviting governments, development partners, civil society, foundations and the private sector to make early childhood development a global and national development priority.
The objective is to support country-led efforts to invest in nutrition, early stimulation and learning, and protection, and to engage with communities to drive demand for ECD services for every child.
The benefits of ECD programmes are particularly strong for poor and disadvantaged children. For example, a 20-year study in Jamaica showed that disadvantaged young children who were exposed to high-quality early stimulation interventions as infants and toddlers earned up to 25 percent higher wages as adults – equivalent to adults who grew up in wealthier households.
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ECD is also an investment in economic growth. Evidence suggests that an additional dollar invested in quality ECD programmes yields a return of between $6 dollars and $17 dollars.
Recognizing the growing understanding of ECD’s importance, the Sustainable Development Goals include an ECD target – the first time ECD has been explicitly included in global development goals.
SDG Target 4.2 aims to increase the percentage of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being.
Although ECD falls under the SDG for education, it provides a natural link to other goals, too — including poverty reduction, health and nutrition, women and girls’ equality, and ending violence.