Navy Wives to Work as Teachers in Kindergarten Schools
In an initiative by Navy Wives Welfare Association (NWWA) president, Mrs. Reena Lanba, an agreement was signed Wednesday with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, School of Vocational Education, Mumbai to provide diploma / degree courses in Early Child Development Education, enabling naval wives to be professionally qualified and work as pre-primary school teachers.
Students enrolled for this course shall undergo a work involved training program which will enable them to gain skills by practicing real-time in the Kindergarten schools.
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NWWA said that women empowerment has always been the main thrust for the Association and this is a small step in that direction.
This program has been started in NWWA centers of Delhi and Mumbai, and will soon be implemented in the naval bases of Visakhapatnam and Kochi also.
Navy Wives Welfare Association (NWWA), the community support system of Indian Navy has been involved in multifarious welfare activities aimed towards improving the quality of life within the naval community and outside too.