My Baby Today App for Mobile Moms
The My Baby Today App is stated to be a new mom’s companion through her baby’s first year, a year when there are many significant developmental changes that can raise countless questions.
BabyCenter.com, a pregnancy and parenting destination, has announced the launch of the My Baby Today App for iPhone and iPod touch, now available on the App Store.
According to BabyCenter’s recent Mobile Mom study, 53 percent of women purchased a smartphone as a direct result of becoming a mom, enabling them to gain access to information right at their fingertips.
With motherhood comes a barrage of new demands, leaving Mom with only small windows of time to get things accomplished. At this critical point, her iPhone becomes her new best friend, allowing her to stay in touch and be efficient on the go, whether at the playground or waiting in line at the grocery store.
[ Also Read: 11-Month-Old Tate is Gerber’s New Ad Star ]My Baby Today App features include:
Daily Updates: Expert advice on your baby’s development, care, feeding, health, and safety. Plus, information on what’s normal and what’s not; tips for new moms on nutrition, relationships, work, exercise, and more; and a weekly cartoon or joke to help keep parenting in perspective.
Birth Clubs: A link to direct Mom to her BabyCenter Birth Club, allowing her to tap into the support and camaraderie of other moms with babies the same age no matter where she is.
Activity Checklist: A helpful to-do list for moms, including weekly development-boosting activities to do with your baby, questions to ask the doctor, safety guidelines to follow as your baby grows, and reminders that will help Mom take care of herself, too. Moms can also add their own custom items to the list.
Videos: Visual guides to breastfeeding, soothing a crying baby, bathing a newborn, making baby food, pumping breast milk, using formula, applying sunscreen, and more. Plus, medically reviewed videos on developmental milestones (crawling, sitting, walking, and more) and a new My Journey series, in which parents share their most challenging and rewarding moments.
Photo Gallery: Mom can update and share photos of her baby, creating a gallery of her baby’s first year.
BabyCenter, Anytime, Anywhere: Mom will be able to log into her BabyCenter account and import her baby’s information and photo to personalize the application experience.
The My Baby Today App is available for free from the App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at www.itunes.com/appstore/. It was announced Wednesday, Oct. 12.