अध्यापकों का आतंक – Teachers’ Terror – कैसे करें शिकायत?
गुरु गोविंद दोनों खड़े, काके लागूं पाँय ।
बलिहारी गुरु आपनो, गोविंद दियो मिलाय ।
With his verses, the Indian mystic poet Saint Kabir had given a higher status to teacher than even the God.
However, today’s school teachers – particularly in India – have virtually become the descendants of Satan and they are behaving as the enemies of students.
Some typical attributes of a school teacher include:
Indisciplined: Does not come to the class regularly, uses mobile phone frequently in the class, and indulges in useless gossips in school
Semi-literate: Lacks knowledge to teach properly in the class and does not understand the requirements of the modern job market
Corrupt: Can’t teach in the class and asks students to pay for private tuitions
Dishonest: Allows students to cheat and copy in exams
Cruel: Threatens and punishes students when they ask questions in the class
Tyrant: Does not allow students and parents to express their views or file their complaints formally
As school teachers’ behaviour is going from bad to worse in India, RMN Foundation which is related to the RMN Kids site has started a free service that acts as an interface between the students and teachers.
It allows students and parents to file their complaints fearlessly against a school or a school teacher using a simple online form. They also can offer their suggestions to improve the education systems in their schools.
You can click here to know more about the service. The details are written in Hindi language.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a government award-winning journalist and runs free schools for deserving children under his NGO – RMN Foundation.