Can Your Education Get You the Right Job?
The employment situation and education systems are equally bad in all parts of India. It is reflected in the country’s worsening Human Development Index.
By Rakesh Raman
Today, there is a wide mismatch between the education being provided to students in India and the skills requirement in the contemporary job market.
Multiple media reports suggest that degrees and diplomas that students get after completing their education have no value in the job market. Such students fail to get any job and they are joining the herds of unemployed youth in the country.
A recent case, for example, highlights the dearth of jobs for the educated people. For the Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) government secretariat jobs, graduates, postgraduates and even Ph.D. holders were among the 23 lakh applicants who applied for just 368 posts of peons.
According to the report, the minimum qualifications for a peon are primary school education with bicycle-riding skills.
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A peon’s job is a low-level job that expects the employee to attend to the office bell, clean tables and chairs, serve water, tea and other snacks to officers. Sometimes peons are asked to even do unofficial household work of officers like cooking and cleaning their homes.
Today, the employment situation is so bad in India, that highly educated people are ready to work as peons.
Earlier, in another case that highlights the worsening education standards and severe unemployment in India, several engineers and post-graduates applied for the peon posts in Chhattisgarh.
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The employment situation and education systems are equally bad in all parts of the country. It is reflected in the worsening Human Development Index (HDI) of India.
Published by the United Nations Development Programme, HDI indicates the level of skills in a country and lets you know if people in that country are able to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, India falls at No. 135 in the global list of countries ranked on the basis of their HDI.
That means, despite all the loud claims by the Indian government about the education standards in the country, the education in India is not producing skilled workforce. The so-called educated people in India are not employable in any modern field. Worse, most of them are not even trainable.
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Consequently, out of nearly 500 million workers in India, over 94% work in unorganized sector as pushcart vendors, street hawkers, domestic servants, and so on. This means the education standards in India are so poor that they are not producing workforce employable for respectable jobs in the organized enterprises.
According to the Economic Survey 2014-15, the present skilled workforce in India is only 2%, which is much lower when compared to even the developing nations. The number of persons aged 15 years or above who have received or who will be receiving skills is just 6.8%. Most of them will not be employed because their skills are not relevant for employers.
Plus, the Web is replete with facts and figures that reveal the irrelevance of Indian education systems and how they are wasting students’ time and parents’ money.
Experts believe that awareness should be created at high-school level about various career options to students. There is also a need to educate the parents who are treating their children like cattle and unnecessarily pushing them into schools and colleges while these so-called educational institutes – full of unskilled teachers and obsolete teaching methods – are doing more harm to children.
Keeping these factors in view, RMN Foundation has developed a modern education system under the name “Constructive Education Framework” for Indian schools. This system is currently being used in the RMN Foundation schools.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
You also can read: More Articles by the RMN Editor, Rakesh Raman
Video courtesy: Ye Hai India, News24